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Imagine getting up every morning excited to start your day, doing work that matters and being recognized for it, keeping your body and mind/brain healthy and strong, pursuing your hobbies, and spending time with the people you love. 


It is possible? YES.  The answer is to live your life in alignment with your values, which will give you purpose and meaning. To stop listening to what others tell you what "you should do", measuring your self-worth based on what they say, or listening to that negative voice that pops up on our head from time to time.  


No, you won't waste your time anymore. You were born to feel empowered and alive and now you're ready to take control over your own decisions and life. Time goes by quickly and you deserve to enjoy every moment of it. 


Here is the place. You've found the right place. 


I will help you discover your true self, desires, and strengths. I will teach you how to overcome your negative beliefs, and create a life that's meaningful and satisfying. I will teach you how to become confident, speak with conviction, and be proud of who you are. I will teach you how to own your values, find your purpose, and design your life aligned with your values, which will create meaning and love. Working together will transform your life to levels you don't yet know. 


You need help if you have one or more of these questions: 


  1. Who am I? How do I find my core values?

  2. I am successful so why am I not happy? 

  3. How do I find my purpose? Finding your purpose means being in alignment with your values. 

  4. How do I improve my health and fitness? The focus will be on improving areas of your well-being. There could be underlying emotional issues that are the culprits preventing you from achieving your health and fitness goals. 

  5. How do I make more money? There might be the bias of key influencers that you grew up with, that are holding you back on the subconscious level. Reframing any limiting perceptions of abundance plays a huge factor in perceiving the definition of wealth.

  6. How do I change my physical environment? We are influenced and affected by our environment and making appropriate changes could be the solution to achieving happiness and balance in your life. 

  7. How do I become motivated and develop resilience and self-control?


What is preventing you from making the changes necessary to get what you want out of life? What if you could solve a big problem that is preventing you from achieving your goals, what would be next for you? If you identified with any of the questions above, it’s time for you to get help. 


My Specific Life Coaching Areas:


  1. Life Design - We use the Wheel of Life Coaching to design your life based on your values/dreams

  2. Goal Setting - SMART goals 

  3. Stress Management - Mindfulness Coaching 

  4. Mindsets: Confidence & Self-Esteem

  5. Self-Discipline - Get control back and be in charge of yourself

  6. Wellness: Healthy mind/brain, Health body, Healthy Heart

  7. Successful Habits - Learn the habits successful people use to achieve fast results 

  8. Time Management - Focus on and protect your time 

  9. Academic Success - Executive Education Coaching - dissertation planning and coaching 



If you're ready to design the life you deserve to live please book your session today.

  • ReNew YOU, Love Life

    Every month
    90 Days Coaching - Renew YOU, Love Your Life
    Valid for 3 months
    • Month 1: Take stock, discover what makes your heart sing!
    • Month 2: Declutter: Give your life a spring clean!
    • Month 3: Design; Embrace your awesome, purpose-driven life
  • Coaching Intensive

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    Live by Design on your terms and achieve what you deserve.
    Valid for 3 months
    • 12 One-on-One Zoom Coaching for 3 months
    • Unlimited Email Support
    • Discounts on Online Classes and Events
Words of Recognition

I’m very pleased to recommend Dr. Val Margarit. Val's coaching and workshops are powerful and life-changing. I’ve worked with her for the past two years and I've taken many of her seminars. Dr. Val is a highly valued and accomplished professor and she has excellent communication skills, self-confidence, hard work, initiative, loyalty, dedication, proactively helpful, and a truly gifted educator. On a personal level, she’s charismatic and well-spoken, both qualities that have served her as an amazing empowered woman and a writer. In addition to her professional qualifications, Dr. Val has qualities that make her well-suited for executive leadership positions. She’s naturally fallen into the role of “point person” that many of us go to with questions. She’s not afraid to take risks and often suggests new directions to explore. She’s committed to quality, growth, and progress, and she inspires her colleagues to strive for the same. Dr. Val is a person with vision and amazing motivation and resilience skills. 

Jakelin M.
Director of Student Services

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